Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sea Slime?

Last term I did a piece for a design class and it was requested to show in the campus gallery. The gallery is seen by many both famous and well, in-famous. Anyway, rather impressive for an advertising major I thought! Gouache on 12"x12" illustration board and took roughly 13 hours to complete. Tedious but very fun. Enjoy "Carbonated Sea Slime"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tread lightly...

This is a great piece with lots of potential but just can't find enough time anymore to sit down and work on fun projects all my own. If you scroll back through past postings you'll notice the sleeping buffalo are actually from a freehand drawing I completed in an hour for a western art auction. The full vision was just as you see here. In harsh winters, desperate wolves sometimes enter buffalo herds and steal young calves right out from under their sleeping mothers. These guys are in definitely walking a thin line.
If all goes as planned I'll have 'er done in another six months! Enjoy,
~ T

New fun year, new fun stuff

Happy new year!
It's been far too long but I've not forgotten you kiddies. So...what has Mr. Jensen's eccentric little mind been up to in the midst of his inexcusable absence? Well lemme tell ya - Redid the blog layout as it needed an update in design/color/whathaveyou. Hope you like. Art Directed an advertising campaign for Whirly Pops. And what are Whirly Pops you ask? If you've been to Disneyland in the last fifty years Whirly Pops are the ginormous suckers you buy that take 12 hours to eat. We had to research the product, devise a campaign and execute it across print, web and television. A fun project to be a part of for sure as not only did we tour the secret LA facility where Whirly Pops are created, but we got to eat a ton of free candy in the process! Ahh the perks of the biz. The print concepts mirrored famous artist styles, in this case Van Gogh and Warhol.
To accompany our Whirly "Pop Art" we shot the commercial in a live gallery in Pasadena. I ended up playing the part of Harold the stodgy art buyer (along with a rather beautiful costar). Behind us you can just make out a fully painted Whirly Pop.
Got some more visual enjoyment comin' atcha so be back soon! ~ T