Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sacred Grounds. It's a pun. Get it?

as most of you know who stay more current than myself on this blog, halloween is a personal favorite time of year. ghoulish creativity seems to ooze daily from october's pus filled pores. I absolutely love seeing all the cool costumes and decorations people come up with to scare the snot out of little cherubs or make immature adults squeal in delight.
though we're still a few weeks out, I can't help but get all excited. so to get you kids in the holiday spirit, here is a li'l movie poster, which, if made and released, would be like what a christmas story was for that "other" holiday.
the premise:
college freshman, kevin mcweeney, took a summer job at a new coffee shop that opened down the street. what no one knew was that the coffee shop was built over...(dun dun duuun) an indian burial ground! awakened from their eternal dirt nap, the angry spirits were appeased by kevin's talent at making a truly fantastic cup o'joe. once they got a taste, a plan was formed to steal kevin's soul to the spirit world on halloween eve and serve as a barista minion...FOREVER (echoe).
okay, so it's a little campy and ridiculous, but everybody loves coffee right? and everyone loves indians. a perfect blend of entertainment and marketing!
concepted and designed by yours truly and shot by the ever talented lena abujbara (, the full campaign can be seen at

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Henckels you cheap SOB

sometimes when I'm lying in bed at night I oft find myself pondering many a subject. some examples are - do aliens, in all their super galactic, dimensional shifting technology, just end up looking through the roofs of houses to watch people masturbate? why didn't God just give women the same ability to grasp both reality and logic at the same time? was it a cruel trick? does God laugh heartily for hours on end from his poofy cloud sofa at my feeble attempts to comprehend? why is the hair on my head now moving to my ears?
and from this random neural jargon I find myself coming up with random ad jargon. if you care to see the full extent, check out:

but for now, here is a funny/stupid concept that unfortunately only made it to the cutting room floor. God, I hope you're laughing.