Sunday, May 30, 2010

Western Art Show

wow, two posts in a month! some fun pics from the Western Art Show & Auction last weekend. was asked to participate in a "quick draw" event where 12 artists have 1 hour to complete a drawing, which then goes to auction. the audience can walk around and see each piece unfolding before they bid. most artists worked in acrylic or watercolor, one sculpted a piece out of clay that was truly impressive, and I myself used pens and...crayons! yep, a $3 set of 24 crayola wax crayons. hadn't used those since, like, 4th grade? wanted to test my skill a bit and figured everyone was getting bored of "same old same old". as a result, I had a crowd of 6-10 year olds behind me nearly the entire time. great fun! anyway, this piece went for a surprising amount in the auction so I was more than happy. the feedback was so positive it's now going to be turned into a full piece. I'll spend more than an hour on it this time however. enjoy!